Posts tagged fabric
Make It Your Own

When signing up for a class are you attracted to a project by the design or the instructor’s colour choices? Do you follow pattern directions to the letter, never straying from the instructions? Try making future projects your own by infusing them with your own personality and fave colours. Read on to find out how that didn’t actually work for me once!

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What is a Scant Quarter Inch???

Have you ever heard of the term “scant quarter inch” and didn’t have a clue what it was? Join me now as I take you through the steps to get your own perfect scant quarter inch so your quilt blocks and piecing will be so much more accurate.

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Welcome to Quiltish Corner!

Hello everyone, Welcome to Quiltish Corner! My daughter, Kate, has been encouraging me for quite some time now to start a blog, and thanks to all her hard work and amazing graphic design skills this is the result. Enjoy!

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