Posts in Community
Are You Up For The Challenge? | Guild Challenges - Part 1

October is CHALLENGE month!!! I have taken part in many quilt challenges in the past and they are sooooo much fun. Check out the following quilt guild challenges…maybe one of them will inspire you!

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The Covid Round Robin Quilt

Being stuck at home ALL. THE. TIME. because of Covid-19 is a pain in the butt, but we must make the most of it. My group of quilting friends miss our regular sew days so this is our way of keeping in touch with each other by doing our shared hobby together...but apart. Check it out and stay safe everyone.

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Welcome to Quiltish Corner!

Hello everyone, Welcome to Quiltish Corner! My daughter, Kate, has been encouraging me for quite some time now to start a blog, and thanks to all her hard work and amazing graphic design skills this is the result. Enjoy!

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