Gifts for Rory

the bag interior

Last summer my niece, Mackenzie, and her partner, Rory, came to visit and stay for a couple of days when they had a wedding to attend in our area. It was great getting to know him better over dinner one evening. Mackenzie and I were chatting about the new clothes she had made for herself, including a dress for the wedding they were going to, and I realized that I knew nothing about what Rory liked to do in his spare time.

Then he told us about how he and his friends play Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), an interactive storytelling game. Now, the only exposure I’ve had with D&D is what I’ve seen on the TV show The Big Bang Theory when the character Howard, acting as the Dungeon Master, does impressions of famous people for the characters in his story lines. Pretty funny stuff!

We came to find out that in his group, Rory is the Dungeon Master and is the storyteller in their games. Each of the other players creates their own character within the story and they all embark on adventures within the fantasy settings. I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of imagination and brain power it takes to come up with all the story lines and situations these characters can find themselves in.

I came across this fabric at the Len’s Mills Store in Toronto and knew I had to get some to make something for Rory for Christmas. It doesn’t show up on their website, but the link from Joann’s in the US shows you what it looks like in yardage. Since Rory keeps a lot of notes for the stories he tells, I thought a covered binder would work, and also a bag to hold any cards, dice and other D&D paraphernalia all in one place. One of my old favourites, the Retreat Bag 2.0 by Emmaline bags, was the perfect bag pattern for this project. If Rory doesn’t need it for his D&D stuff it can always be used as a toiletry bag instead.

side 1 of the bag

side 2 of the bag

binder cover

As a quilter, with a passion for my craft/art/hobby, I realize that nearly everyone else has the same passion for whatever has gotten control over them whether it’s crocheting, model trains, singing, reading or even Dungeons & Dragons. There truly is a special community for everyone to become a part of regardless of their interests and passions.